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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

FAQ about my practice--How Does Being A Hellenic Revivalist Work?

How does it work not being a reconstructionist, but worshiping the Greek Gods?
  • I saw, and started using, the term Hellenistic Revivalist recently. How this works for me though, is that rather than try to recreate Hellenistic practices, I create my own modern interpretations of classic practices that maintain the spirit of the festival/ceremony/holiday while applying it to modern life.
What’s an example of how you practice Hellenistic Revivalism?
  • Take the Great Dionysia for example. Historically, it’s a week long festival with theater competitions, games, a big procession, and feasts. I throw a party with some friends where we drink, play word games, and watch movies, or else we go club hopping.
So what holidays do you celebrate?
  • New years, the Great Dionysia (honoring Dionysus), spring equinox (I honor Persephone during this time, as well as the spirit of spring), summer solstice (Honoring Demeter, Hermes, Apollo, and the spirit of summer), autumn equinox (honoring Persephone, Hades, and the spirit of autumn), Halloween, Winter Solstice (Honoring Dionysus, and the spirit of winter)
How do you make offerings?
  • Most of my offerings are devotional actions. I tend my garden, and have plants dedicated to each of my Deities. I also make offerings of sexual activities. Dancing and singing are devotional acts for me as well. As far as more traditional offerings, I’ll leave food or drink on my altar for a couple hours, before eating it, drinking it, or setting it outside for the neighborhood animals depending on what it is.

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