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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Feeling Disconnected From the Theoi?

Sometimes when I’m making regular devotions and offerings I can get into this place where I feel like I’m just going through the motions, and I don’t feel connected to my deities. At times like that, I find that continuing through the motions only makes me feel worse. My personal solution to this is to do something new. 
Pick a bit you’ve read somewhere about your deities, but don’t know too much about and try to find more information on it. I’ve learned valuable and obscure bits of information about my deities this way. It’s also helped me develop some interesting UPG (unverified personal gnosis), and build a deeper more meaningful relationship with the theoi.
Write a new invocation or prayer. And I don’t mean to find an existing one that you didn’t use before, I mean sit down and write something. For me, this makes me think about what things my deities have done are relevant to me. About how those aspects of my deities affect me and my life, and how I feel about it. It gives me an opportunity to remind myself of why and just how much I love my deities, by showing them those things. It brings all those wonderful things I may not have been thinking actively about to the front of my mind, and I feel closer, more satisfied in my relationship to them.
If you’re crafty, make something for your altar or shrine. Sometimes just rearranging an altar can get me out of those blues, but other times I need a bit more. Google some DIY decorating ideas. Some of ym favorites are simple stuff like paper flowerswreaths, making vases out of old wine bottles, and embroidering table runners to use as altar cloths. But anything can be done, the ideas are limitless.
If you are capable of it, plan a festival. I don’t always wait for traditional festivals when I’m feeling disconnected from my deities. I’ll often just decide I’m going to have a festival to honor them, for no other reason than I can and I want to. The whole process of coming up with what I’m going to do, getting everything ready, and holding my festival can do wonders to break me out of that rut and get me feeling closer to me deities again. 

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