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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How Do I Introduce Myself to a Deity I Want to Worship?

So, you’ve been reading up on a deity, and you’re ready to introduce yourself! The specific details will vary depending on the practice you’re coming from, and the deity you’re approaching, but the basic ideas will (usually) be the same.
  1. Set up a shrine or altar, this can be temporary or something permanent, it’s just a place to introduce yourself. Think of it like setting up for a skype interview with a potential boss. You don’t have to clean the whole house, just the area that they’re gonna be seeing 
  2. Invoke the deity. This can be calling their name and asking them to join you. This can be hymns or even just something along the lines of “Okay, okay, so I’m really feeling a bit silly right now but here goes. Um, Deity? I have an offering for you, so yeah, it’d be great if you would receive it.”
  3. Make an offering of some kind. I don’t believe you have to make an offering every time you interact with a deity, but as an introduction, it’s a good way to go, even if you just burn a candle or some incense in their honor.
  4. Tell them why you think they’re awesome. You can list of their epitaphs you know, you can talk about how/why you’re drawn to them, ect… Just kind of let them know why you want to work with them.
  5. You can ask for a sign of their approval, you can make a promise to do this again some time, or even just talk to them. If you do divination you can pull out some tarot cards or whatever you prefer and see if they’re willing to have a conversation.
  6. Thank them and clean up.

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